Interested in Officiating?

Let’s Get You Started

We are thrilled that you are interested in officiating volleyball through DVOC.  We are currently accepting members for the 2021 Volleyball Season.  Are you ready?  Let’s get you going……..

How do I get started?

A few simple steps and you will be on your way!   The training and preparation needed to build your confidence and skill set to officiate volleyball will be provided.  A willingness to learn is the greatest attribute one can hold. Below are FAQ’s (frequently asked questions) many have concerning getting started in officiating.

Who can be a volleyball official?

Anyone 17 years of age or older at the start of the season can become a volleyball official. It is not necessary to have played the sport, but it does help.






When are matches played?
Matches are scheduled from the first week of August to the second week of November. Matches normally start between 4:30 and 6:00 p.m. The duration of a match varies depending on the level of play.






How often would I be required to work?
As an official, you can determine the days and times you want to work. Most matches are played on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. However, first priority in assignments will be determined by skill set, experience, location and availability.






How do I become an official?
Becoming an official with DVOC is a simple process.  Whether you have had previous experience in volleyball or you are a novice – we will provide the training and preparation you will need to launch your volleyball officiating career successfully.  Simply click on the “Join Us” link at the bottom of this page and we will set you in motion.




What equipment will I need?
You will be required to wear a white-collared, short-sleeve polo shirt with the TASO logo on the right side of your chest, black dress slacks, black shoes and black socks. Equipment required includes a black whistle and black lanyard, net measuring chain, yellow/red sanction cards, air pump, air pressure gauge, coin for coin toss, lineup cards and a pen or pencil.






What areas of Dallas would I be required to work?
The Dallas Metroplex is divided into several areas. You are asked to select one or more areas of the Metroplex where you’d like to work. The more areas that you select the greater the chances are of you getting more games. The scheduler normally will assign you matches that are located between your place of employment and home residence.






What is involved in becoming an official?
You will need to pay DVOC [DVBOC?] dues ($40) & TASO dues ($60), pass a criminal background check, attend training sessions, chapter meetings and a district clinic, complete a rules exam, turn in an availability calendar and complete Zebra-Ware registration before you can receive assignments.






For more information, visit Become an Official.

How much do officials get paid?
Examples of U.I.L. match fees:

  • One varsity match and one sub-varsity match is $100 ($60 for Varsity/$40 for Sub-varsity)
  • One sub-varsity match and one varsity lines is $85
  • Two sub-varsity matches are $80
  • Two junior high (7th & 8th) matches are $70
  • Three junior high (7th & 8th) matches are $105
  • Officials are also provided a set travel fee based on mileage. Most we service provide a $15 travel reimbursement per official in addition to the match fees.
  • TAPPS schools pay a slightly different pay schedule (most matches pay a little higher than those listed above).
  • SPC schools follow U.I.L. pay schedules.
How are officials paid?
Officials work as independent contractors with schools and are paid directly by the schools or districts. All match fees are governed by affiliated organizations under which a school or district is aligned. Public schools are governed by the UIL (University Interscholastic League). Private schools are governed by either TAPPS (Texas Association of Parochial and Private Schools), SPC (Southwest Preparatory Conference), or a few select independent private schools might adhere to a unique combination of guidelines. All rules adhere to those established by the NFHS (National Federation of High Schools) guidelines.

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